Frequently Asked Questions
So what is Bounty?Bounty helps to automate UGC and manage creator marketing on TikTok & Instagram for a fraction of the cost of an agency. In addition to generating UGC, Bounty reviews all content for you and ensures it meets the requirements you've set in place. Content for Bounty is posted to TikTok & Instagram by creators, but can be downloaded, run as Spark Ads, and/or run in ad campaigns across all social platforms and email campaigns!
How does Bounty work?Bounty helps to automate UGC and manage creator marketing on TikTok & Instagram for a fraction of the cost of an agency. We're able to help with the following: Activation: Prompt and reward customers for sharing their purchases on TikTok & Instagram.
    Let your customers know about the opportunity to share the love for your brand and products on TikTok & Instagram through Bounty user experiences. Creators have 7 days from the order delivery date to post content. We'll help to activate them using an SMS drip campaign. They’re paid for views after the first 48 hours, but must leave content up for 15 days for approval.
Seeding: Automate product gifting & order creation to new or existing creators.
    Configure gifts using any item from your Shopify inventory or simply provide creators a one-off opportunity to post if they already have your product. Invites are specialized message flows designed to incentivize different segments of people to join your community of creators on Bounty. This allows you to invite creators you both know and don't know to post content for your brand through Bounty. This feature is also a great way to activate previous customers so they can complete a Bounty for a previous purchase.
Storage: Automatically download, save & organize content in high resolution.
    The Content Library allows you to review all approved content for your brand. These are posts that followed all content guidelines and were approved for payment. Find the highest performing content by combining content library filters like "Most Viewed" + "Last Month" Click into each piece of content to dig deeper. You're able to play the creator's video directly within the dashboard and view related metrics from TikTok, Instagram and Bounty. You can also view their order total and click through to view order details on Shopify. See content that you love? Star it to add to your favorites. This makes it easy to review later, especially if you want to run the content as an ad.
Fuel your ads: Manage Spark Codes directly in Bounty.
    UGC can be especially powerful when run as an ad or reposted on your own social media channels. The Content Library allows you to request Spark Codes and download any approved content. If you'd like to run a TikTok video as a Spark Ad, the first step is requesting a Spark Code from the creator. We'll handle outreach to the creator and provide their Spark Code to you if they approve the request. You're then able to use their Spark Code to run a 30-day Spark Ad.
Discovery: Access Bounty creator network & get listed in our store directory.
    The Shop page allows creators to discover new brands to purchase from and then post content. Creators are able to browse brands both by the products they offer as well as the creator incentives offered through Bounty. They can then click through to your website to complete a purchase. The Bounty creator network allows you to discover new creators who have a Bounty account but aren't affiliated with another store. If you see a creator who you think is a good fit for your brand, you can engage with them through the product gifting feature. Please note, access to the Bounty creator network requires a 'Grow' or 'Custom' plan.
How much does Bounty cost?There is a monthly subscription cost associated with your plan, as well as a price per video (PPV) cost which helps cover things like content reviews, SMS notifications, and transactional fees. You'll also set up a budget when signing up for Bounty which is the amount you're willing to spend on UGC for the month. The budget can be as low as $1,000 USD or as high as $100,000 USD, and you'll only ever be billed for what you spend in a month. Bounty bills through Shopify on your normal Shopify billing cadence.
How do I get started?You can sign up for Bounty at right now! Once you confirm your subscription, you can enable all user experiences from your Bounty account dashboard. You have access to Bounty's FAQ knowledge-base, as well as a Support team who'd love to help! Once setup is done, there is typically a 10-14 day adoption period while your customers wait to receive their orders before they can start posting. In order to help you make the most of your budget, we offset this time by offering a free trial of our platform.
Is Bounty available globally?We currently only offer services to shoppers and creators in the US and Canada, but we hope to see this change soon. If you have a large customer base in the US and/or Canada, feel free to sign up!You can also choose to show Bounty user experiences on your website only in certain countries, however Bounty will only work for creators based in the United States and Canada.
Are any platforms outside of TikTok supported?Yes! We now support Instagram Reels, too.
Does Bounty track ROAS?Bounty does not currently track ROAS within the brand dashboard. At this time, the best approach is to look at engagement of a post and then run as an ad to see provided metrics. For example, running TikTok content as a Spark Ad in a Video Shopping Ad, and then tracking the Initiate Checkout (Onsite) metric within your TikTok Ads Manager account. The metrics you have access to in Bounty are focused on the following:
    Overall trends with assets and creators Video engagement metrics for approved content Payout and related order totals for approved content Gift specific metrics, including conversion rate and a count of total gifts granted
New Assets and Creators
The homepage on your brand dashboard shows a count of new assets and new creators. You're able to adjust the date range considered using the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner.
New Assets is the number of approved videos created during a given date range. After creators accept a Bounty and post a video, our internal review team will use automated and manual methods to check for adherence to content guidelines. If a creator's post follows all of the rules, we'll approve it, and it will be counted as a "new asset".New Creators is the number of users who signed up for Bounty through your store, completed and order, and finished setting up their Bounty creator account. These are users who are ready to post content as soon as their order arrives.
Individual Video Metrics
For each piece of approved content, we'll show related platform and payout metrics.
We track views, likes, comments, and shares for the first 48 hours after a post goes live. These metrics are displayed around the embedded video player.Below the post description, you'll find the creator payout amount, post date, clickable order number, and order total. If you click on the order number, you'll be brought to the order details within Shopify.Gift Metrics
If you send out gift offers to creators through Invites, you can monitor conversion rate and volume of offers sent.After clicking onto a gift item and selecting the 'History' tab, you'll see the following metrics:
    Total gifts granted: how many times you've sent this gift through Invites Gift conversion rate: The percentage of gifts claimed out of the total number of gifts granted. If they do not finish the claim flow completely (filling out their address to receive a gift, e.g.), they will still be counted here.
More information, including detailed steps on viewing the results of gifts, is available.
How can I prompt a creator to do a Bounty for me?In the creators section of the app you have access to all of the creators who have ever signed up to your store, as well as select network creators who are unassociated to any specific store.Asking a creator to do a bounty if they already have a product.
This is the ideal case, where you know a creator has already bought a product from your store and can simply send them a message to do another Bounty for you with a minimum payment (for example $20). Learn about types of gifts here.
When you select a creator from the creator table you are presented with a sidebar menu that shows their previous activity (videos created, Bounties done) and a button you can use to offer a creator a gift (A Bounty with a minimum payout OR a free product).
In the products tab you can see if the creator already owns any of your products (either they bought them or you previously gifted them product):
Offering the creator a gift is a simple as selecting the type of gift you want to send them and hitting send:
Offering a network creator a gift.
Because a network creator will not already have your products you cannot offer them a Bounty type gift, you can only offer network creators product type gifts.
They will be sent a message allowing them to accept the gift you configured and sent. They will be prompted to fill out their address, select the product variant, and if they complete the process an unfulfilled zero cost order will created in your Shopify store. The creator will be granted a bounty to do which unlocks upon delivery.Once they have accepted the gift they will show up in your main creator table and you can offer them regular Bounty type gifts (e.g. make a video for a minimum payment of $30), and see the history of interactions with your store.The gifting form for creator network can be seen here:
Does Bounty give influencers discount codes like Shopify Collabs?
We don't have any specific discount code features in Bounty today.
You can pair Shopify Collabs to manage discount code commissions and Bounty to power UGC automation and management. As long as the order itself is placed through Shopify, the creator will be able to post content through Bounty.
How do I run a video as an ad on another platform?See a piece of TikTok content that you'd like to run as an ad on Instagram or Facebook?You can instantly download the video for free from your content library right next to the “Request Spark Code” button. This way you can test and repurpose as much content as you’d like across as many platforms as you’d like with zero risk.Available Usage Right TypesUse in Social Media
    You own the rights to repost the content on your own social media channels (i.e. Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter) You may not boost or otherwise put any kind of paid media spend behind the content.
Use in Owned Media
    You own the rights to use the content in owned marketing channels. These are channels that you control and create (i.e. newsletter, website, packing materials)
Use in Paid Media
    You own the rights to use the content for paid media. This is any type of content or marketing channel whether digital or analog that requires payment (i.e. YouTube ads, podcast sponsorships, PPC, PPI, PPV)
Brands Affiliates ProgramBounty has an affiliates program through Tapfiliate. You can use this link to sign up.We pay out 100% of the first month's subscription for each conversion in two payments over 6 months. Put simply: if you sign up a $299 / month brand through your link and they are still with us after 6 months, you get the full $299.You don't have to be a Bounty customer to join our affiliates program. If you just run an ecommerce newsletter or are an influencer in the space you are welcome to join our affiliates program.The specific terms of the program can be found in this up-to-date article.
Get paid to post about your favorite brands!